19th to 21st Jan 2026, Bhaktapur, Nepal


Previous Conference Proceedings (ICEE-PDRP 2016): Part - I


S.N. ID Title Page
1 1105 Kinematic Spectra of an Incident Wave Field 1
2 1125 Understanding Gorkha Earthquake through Finite Element Numerical Model 10
3 1152 Numerical Simulation of Three Component Velocities from the 25th April, 2015 Nepal Earthquake 20
4 1085 Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis 24
5 1005 The Effects of the Different Geometric Source Models in Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis 32
6 1025 Assessment of Critical Infrastructure Vulnerabilities due to Cascading Impacts of Multiple Natural Hazards: A Conceptual Framework for Earthquake Triggered Landslides 40
7 1070 Spatial Implications of Earthquake Induced Landslides Triggered by the April 25 Gorkha Earthquake Mw 7.8: Preliminary Analysis and Findings 50
8 1165 Possible Risks of Fault Movements in Foundation of Kesem Rockfill Dam in Ethiopia 59
9 1051 Comparative Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Buildings and Concrete Filled Steel Tube Buildings in Nepal 70
10 1086 Seismic Loss Analysis of an Italian Older Infilled R/C Building  78
11 1149 Non Linear Analyses of Reinforced Concrete Building Built in Nepal According to Mandatory Rules of Thumb (MRT) 85
12 1160 Seismic Behavior of Multi-Story Buildings under Both Vertical and Horizontal Excitations Considering Soil-Structure Interaction  97
13 1050 Application of High Strength Steel on Damage Controlled Braced Frame  106
14 1067 Performance of Base Isolated Structure under Near Field Ground Motion 110
15 1135 Effect in Seismic Response of a Structure due to Installation of a Communication Tower on Existing Building 117
16 1158 Seismic Behavior of Adjacent Multi-Story Buildings Considering Soil-Structure Interaction  127
17 1016 Seismic Characteristics of Un-Reinforced Mud Masonry Buildings in Nepal 135
18 1023 Seismic Assessment of Four Inclined Masonry Towers Located in the Neighborhood of the Area Stricken by the May 2012 Emilia Romagna (Italy) Earthquake 145
19 1046 Earthquake Resistant Traditional Knowledge Systems in the Sikkim Monasteries, India, in the 2011 M 6.9 Sikkim Earthquake: Lessons Learnt 156
20 1137 Structural Study for Restoration of the Prambanan World Heritage Temple Damaged by Central Java Earthquake of 2006 165
21 1019 National Building Code and Damage Analysis of the 2015 Nepal Earthquake 176
22 1035 Summary of the Seismic Damage Characteristics to Buildings in Nepal Ms 8.1 Earthquake 186
23 1052 Challenges and Possible Solutions for Building Back Better in Nepal 193
24 1116 Rapid Visual Damage Assessment of Masonry Buildings after 2015 Gorkha Earthquake: A Case Study of Bhaktapur Municipality 202
25 1034 Damage Characteristics and Seismic Capacity of RC Frame Structures during Nepal Ms 8.1 Earthquake 211
26 1058 Risk Targeted Seismic Hazard Assessment for RC Frame Buildings in Delhi 218
27 1133 Reinforcement Details with Current Practice to Earthquake Resistant using Scaled Model for Awareness Program   228
28 1155 Observation of Damaged Buildings and the Distribution on the South East Area of the Old Town in Bhaktapur 236
29 1162 Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Masonry Buildings in Kathmandu Valley after Gorkha Earthquake 2015: A Case Study of Administrative Staff College Building 244
30 1004 Retrofitting design of Kathmandu University staff quarter Block 32 'A' after Gorkha Earthquake 2015 252
31 1040 Simulation Test on RC Beam Strengthened with Externally Bonded FRP Sheets using ANSYS 270
32 1043 Retrofitting of a Building Damaged by 2015 Nepal Earthquake 278
33 1118 Seismic Assessment and Retrofitting of a RC (G+4) Building with FRP Jacketing and Steel Bracing 286
34 1061 Seismic Design of Expanded Polystyrene Core Panel Based Building Systems 295
35 1077 New Flexible Intervention Solutions for Protection, Strengthening and Reconstruction of Damaged Heritage Buildings 304
36 1098 Out-of-Plane Behavior of Masonry Walls with Imperfect Reinforced Rendering  314
37 1022 Earliest Arrival Contraflows for Evacuation 323
38 1130 A Tool for Planning Evacuation Procedure during or After a Disaster 331
39 1100 Reincarnation: Energy and Water 341

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